LAMP Track of the Day - March 3rd - Tube and Berger (Soulgood)

PZB-trackoftheday-MRPUZLSoulgood (Original Mix) - Tube & Berger[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]Not much intro needed for these gents from Germany, they've been busy for the better part of a decade. Their release of "Come On Now" this year was a smash. At the moment "Soulgood" has been ringing in my ears and thought it would be nice intro for this week's mix. The guitar samples in this track are such a nice touch, and the momentum of the song builds incredibly well.Also their music video for this is awesome, kudos to the dop Andreas Köhler:

Tube & Berger - Soulgood (Radio Mix) - Official Video from Furore on Vimeo.

Enjoy,MR. PUZL


LAMP Track of the Day - March 4th - Chris Malinchak (So Good to Me)


LAMP Track of the Day - February 27th